Implement simple string compression where 4 or more identical characters in sequence produces [Character]#[count] in a compressed output string. Consecutive identical characters of count 3 or less are left as-is in the output string. For example:
The approach taken here is to count identical characters in a row and when the current character is different from the previous (or we get to the end of the string), generate more of the output string. If 4 or more identical characters are counted, concatenate to the output string using the #[Count] notation. Otherwise concatenate the actual character 3 or fewer times.
For n characters, the runtime is O(n). Each character in the input loop is visited once. On the output, any identical character sequence produces at most 3 characters on the output.
The output worst case is a string with m identical character sequences of length 3. m * 3 = n chars on the output. So, each input char is visited and n chars are also produced on the output. n inputs + n outputs = 2n total chars = O(n).
Finally, for any input string length n, with one or more identical character sequence where count >= 4, the output string length will be less than n, since any count >= 4 results in its output representation being 3 characters.
func encode(_ input: String) -> String { var count:Int = 0 var output:String = "" guard var char = input.first else { return "" } for c in input { if c == char { count = 1 + count } else { output += subencode(char:char, count:count) char = c count = 1 } } output += subencode(char:char, count:count) return output } func subencode(char:Character, count:Int) -> String { var output = "" if count > 3 { output += "\(char)#\(count)" } else { for _ in 0 ..< count { output += "\(char)" } } return output } print(encode("")) print(encode("ABC")) print(encode("AAABBBCCC")) print(encode("AAAABBBBBC")) print(encode("AAAABBBBBCC")) print(encode("AAAABBBBBCCC")) print(encode("AAAABBBBBCCCC"))