Hi there! Here you can entertain yourself with some algorithms questions. These questions are similar to, or the same as, questions I’ve been asked before.
My solutions are either Javascript, Swift, or Java. Some I give a Big-O runtime analysis.
- Nested Headings
- String Compression
- Integer Binary
- Pair Sum is N
- Power of Two
- Reverse an Integer
- Combine Arrays
- Level Tree Traversal
- Set of All Subsets
- Reflected Binary
- Maximum Gain
- Stacks as Queue
- String Permutations
- Is Anagram
- Delete List Nodes
- Bad Commit
- Ad Impressions
- Clock Hands
- Reverse Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Format Currency
- Triangle Number
- Largest Product I
- Largest Product II
- Matrix Matching
- Keypad Combos
- Minesweeper
- Number to English